We left our protected anchorage at Harmon NY, Stoney Point knowing it would be a long day of motoring. It called for rain, and winds increasing. It was dark when we left making it difficult to spot the boats coming ahead and behind us due to the lights from the shores. We cut it close with a barge heading north as we crossed the main channel. He came out of nowhere in a turn and blended in with the easter shore. It reminds us that its best to leave in the light but as we need to use the tides we have little choice. We wanted the speed the tide gives. We can leave about an hour before the tide heads back to the ocean and ride it for 6 hrs before we fight it.
The bridges coming into NY are spectacular. New York was striking in its hugeness. From the water you can see the big picture. For most people it would be tempting to stop and walk around. David and I, though, we tend to love the quiet places. Weird I know. We rushed through it as fast as we could. It was cold, rainy and winds and tide against us.
We arrived at our selected anchorage just north of the channels in a small pond off Coney Island. It was tight to get in but it was super protected. Tony, a sailor from Kingston who works online from his boat, (IT) wanted to leave with us for the crossing on open water to Atlantic City.
The Coney island anchorage was sketchy to say the least. Homeless camps on each side. Groups of vagrants around us , one with a paddleboard, which was enough for David to secure everything on deck. I told him the water was too cold for them to risk the paddleboard plus, the get away would be slow and dangerous. Still, it was a little unsettling being in the middle of tenters in Brooklyn. David wanted to go onshore but I felt it was a bit risky. Suddenly, This small fishing vessel pops up with 3 latin american ment. One Salvadoran, Hector, and 2 other Mexican. They offered David a ride to shore . David and I talked and I was a little hesitant and so was David. We worried there were ulterior motives. I decided to stay and watch the boat. David and Tony from his boat went to shore with them. I took a photo of the boat, MY GIRL, and warned David to give them your money if it came to that. I also told David , if he hears shooting, to hit the ground!!! I guess my career background was going into overdrive.
David came back early and I went out and chatted with the men in spanish. They actually seemed very nice. Hector has 3 boats and likes to fish. He has a big house in New Jersey. David told me he walked him to the store and told David which area never to go to. When David went to pay for his beer (he had not had time to get his diesel tanks) Hector insisted on paying! David tried to argue but Hector said he likes to do nice things for people. David offered him a beer and Hector responded that if he allowed David to return the favour then it would take away from his mission of doing good. CONVICTED!! That was me. Here I was imagining the 3 of them robbing David and throwing him in the pond somewhere. Lesson learned, my background makes me suspicious and I need to stop making assumptions. Hector, thank you for that lesson.
I only took a photo of him and his boat with David and Tony. I wish I had taken one of the 3 of them. They sped away for more fishing. (they offered David a huge sea bass but David said he didn’t want to clean it or store it before the prep needed to cross the next day)