Crossing Lake Oneida
David found a leak in the shifter but it is minor and if we keep an eye on it and top up with oil it should be ok. It’s working smoothly now that he adjusted it.
We crossed Lake Oneida in 3 hrs at about 5 to 6 knots. Mild wind and wave conditions.
We docked well and have a new system to dock. I choose whether to grab the spring line or the bow line depending on whether I have to stop the boat . If David has it slowed down enough I just grab the bow line and he exits with the stern line. Both sides port and starboard are set up as we usually never know which side we are ending up on and there is not much space to maneuver in the canals.
All to say David and I are not yelling at each other as we dock’s become less stressful eventhough I look forward to the day when our blood pressures don’t rise significantly in the process of docking or catching lock lines.
Today, I had a chance to use degree bearings to navigate as the lake is so long that we can’t use a sight bearing to head to our destination. I also had to steer with the tiller which messes my mind up as it’s the opposite of driving or our old wheel in our Freedom 28. Well they say learning new skills is good for the brain. If so, I think my brain must have doubled the last month..