♥we left Simcoe Island at 5:33 this morning. It was a great crossing with 3 to 5  ft waves and 25 km winds from north following us and pushing us to the US.

We were able to go 5 to 7 knots as sometimes we were surfing a little. We reached Oswego at 12:45 and were through the first lock by 13:11.

The lock master was very kind and told us to dock for free at the docking past the green bridge. David was so distracted by the Freedom 33 docked there that we had to abort the docking and try again. The couple came out and caught our lines. We have to get better at docking TC. 

Later , we went with the Cdn couple Chris and Jackie to the grocery store to restock as we had used or given all our fresh food as you can’t bring it into the states. 

We were feeling g very woozy and tired as the waves had been mixed up and our bodies were not used to it. plus we had not eaten lunch or dinner yet. 

I made  GNOCCHI with sausage pasta sauce and parmesan.. yum ..tastes like pasta but it’s mainly made from potatoes. 


I’m going to clean up now and wait for David to get back and maybe watch some British crime drama that I’ve dow loaded. tomorrow we search for an American phone Sim card. It’s too expensive to use Cdn . I may be out of touch for a few days. 

It still feels surreal to be living g on a 37ft boat and traveling the US. praying for the residents of Florida hit by Ian. 

Missing my kids and friends and church and everything that feels normal. David is my one and only familiar secure thing right now..

On the other hand, it is really neat to see new places, the beautiful and historic USA from this perspective. The people are amazingly friendly. 


Off to do dishes !! 





This is our first sail last week!  We anchored out on Irvine Bay for 2 nights and we tested The Cat (TC). Our wonderful friend and most accomplished sailor, Rob, raced us and took some photos!  He has a beautiful 42 Catalina and beat us easily up wind. Down wind though, our ketch had a little advantage.

Today, we continued storing items we will need and finding homes for them. Cataloguing everything so we can quickly find things. 

We purchased  a small cart for carrying groceries and fuel over long distances. 

Yesterday, we had several visitors, come and say goodbye and see TC. Denise, Helena,Jacinthe and John. David’s brother Harry and his girlfriend Brenda-Lynn also visited with her sister Lori on Saturday.  Yesterday, we dined on Adenon’s rugged vessel docked a few boats down and ate curried goat and chicken with naan and shrimp. I made some chicken bulgur which not many ate when they tasted Adenon’s food. David I think had 75% of the goat. 

I am finding myself, adjusting to tiny living, off-grid and away from family, friends, church, hobbies and all I was familiar with.  It has been a challenge so far and I hope that this week, the demasting goes smoothly and the weather behaves so we can have a smooth motor across Lake Ontario to Oswego this weekend.