The last 3 days have to have been the hardest days so far. Our resilience and stamina was challenged. I think it hit hard because it came so quick on the heals of other break downs. We thought we had fixed the battery/alternator issue. Then, when we left to go offshore on the 15th from Cape Fear and the alternator burst into smoke, we were crushed.
Fixing the boat means it’s usually a disaster to live in.
Today, David started installing the part that arrived yesterday evening, the Balmar alternator all the way from Kingston. Doug our angel in Kingston was on call all day and David was able to pick his brains when the technology stumped him. David found a machine shop 15 miles away and was able to machine a bushing he needed. This alone involved complicated logistics (we have no car and no uber here) and the machinist, was none too friendly with David. I went with David to pick it up and suddenly, his demeanor changed. I’m not sure why but, feminism aside, there is a softening quality we bring to the table in these environments.
The job was technical, involving referring to online manuals, written manuals and calling Doug our angel mechanic in Kingston. Finally, at around 3pm, David was ready to turn it on. (My job all day was to turn keys on, hold things, cook, and prep food for off-shore). Most importantly, we needed to stay positive. The boat is usually a complete mess with tools everywhere and nowhere to sit and relax other than a berth or a small settee. When that ignition started, I hid behind my pillow in the V berth, David I’m sure held his breath. Well , when the smoke spewed and the fan belt exploded, I think we both wanted to cry. This is where the rubber meets the road.
I jumped off the berth and asked David what next. He wanted to cry but he didn’t. We had another belt and he just went about installing it. This time, when the ignition started and I hid my head in the pillow, there was no smoke and no flying bits of belt. It seemed to be running smoothly!!! Halleluya!!!!
We both wanted to cry again, but this time in relief. I know it wasn’t life or death or involving a major life altering issue but we have been travelling for over a month and a half, mostly in the cold and in pretty austere conditions. We long for sun and warmth and friends and I have a flight to catch on the 5th to see my kids , my family my church and my dogs. We high-fived and hugged each other. We recognized, this had been a test of our stamina, our dedication to our goals and a test of the glue that holds us together as a couple. We celebrated with a warm wood fire and a movie night.
Tomorrow, we hope to go off-shore and sail hard. Maybe if possible and if we have the strength, all the way to Florida non-stop. We don’t have an auto-pilot installed so we have to do hand-steering 24/7. We also don’t have reefing in the sails (remember we were late leaving so we rushed through some of the details) which means we have to be careful with weather and head inside and use the ICW (waterway system) at the first sign of strong weather. Our sails are huge and without reefing ability (shortening the sail in high winds) we are limited in what kind of weather we can sail in.
I’m excited to SAIL!!! I’m excited to stop moving and stay put somewhere. I’m excited to see our friends Bob and Carol in Vero beach who have spent 6 years circumnavigating the world and are hoping we can share their Thanksgiving with us. Truly, I’m super excited just to stop, breathe and go see my kids.
Hopefully, my next post will be from Florida!

I took this photo of a tree in Delaware City. It spoke to me of strength and perseverance no matter the circumstances. It provides joy for those who pass and admire it’s awesomeness but to me it spoke of resilience. This resilience is what we all need. We find the way to flourish and survive no matter what life brings. We push through because we are here for a bigger purpose than just for ourselves.